Twin Skin Log Cabin – 559
Cabin size – 4.0m x 5.0m
Cabin size internal – 3.5m x 4.5m
Main room size – 3.5m x 3.45m
Toilet size – 2.1m x 1.0m
Utility room size – 1.35m x 1.0m
Window Size – 4x 1130mm x 710mm
Window Size – 2x 500mm x 500mm
Door Size – 3x 1930mm x 830mm
Wall height – 2.1m
Ridge height – 2.47m
Twinskin Log Cabins are now manufactured by many companies most are quick made, leak, crap windows and doors, so they try to offer cheap plastic, but if you want the best of the best, then obviously it’s us Factory Cabins!! So many people will tell you, to buy this because the reasons they come up with are just rubbish most of the time, and that’s not us, we tell you why, when, where, and how to do it. The Twin Skin Log Cabins from Factory Cabins are the best and that’s a fact, many do not do them because their CNC machines are old, and they cannot get hold of quality timber, because to double notch a log you need a firm and very high-quality solid timber, and that’s a giveaway if they don’t offer you twin skins, they will try and fob you off with a panel system to go onto (on top) a single skin cabin, cabins move, the vertical framework does not, and to panel out a building, costs twice as much and breaks, splits all the time, also anyone offers 19mm floor well, that kind of says everything!
If you are looking for the best, please give us a call, Finance and Credit are available.
Always pay with a debit or credit card. Always.
0208 133 5164